
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I Rock Big Time

Hello! I'm an amazing person! You would want to meet me.... I have a list of achievements....
I am an accomplished programmer in all types of script languages... I know Flash actionscript, Html, Css etc.
I also have a whole list of accomplishments in my avatar of stuff.... I have a Masters degree in programming and I played a part in developing DreamEater, a program which destroys websites.
Haha! All those above were just nonsense...
This is my real (condensed) life....
I was born in KK Women's and Children's Hospital.
I was born normal, thank you very much.
I attended kindergarten somewhere in Bedok...I cant remember...
I attended Maha Bodhi Primary School...
I attended GuangYang Primary School from P2 to P3
After which, I attended another school, i cant remember...( i have this long short-term memory loss)
Then, I went to RI then to RJC...
Then i went to NUS...

A condensed version of my life...
What a boring life, you must think...
Wait! This is just academic stuff....
I'll post another entry...
Don't worry...
I will be there for all of you to admire...
The Greatness of me...


Blogger Kiarill said...

um. Are you the Jun Liang I know or are you another JL?? I have a feeling NUS doesn't accept non-child-geniuses..

6:25 AM  

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